- FAST AND SIMPLE removes dangerous microorganisms and keeps them away from the body, stomach and bloodstream.
- A powerful one-day detox that traps, neutralizes and eliminates toxins in your intestines.
Real people, real results
Fast solution
My twins went to Ensenada and ate something bad. Came home sick and I gave them the 24 hour intestinal detox and the next day they went back to their normal diet.
Back to the adventure
As a safari guide, I take several 24-hour BOWEL Detox packages with me. If a client is suffering from diarrhoea, I give him the 24-hour package to clean up and return to the safari. Africa - don't leave home without the intestinal formula no. 2!
Ingredients: Pure, Potent & Proven
A one-day Intestinal detox, which you always to have at hand!
- 6 Intestinal Formula # 1 capsules
- 50 Intestinal Formula # 2 capsules
- 1 Fresh breath +
Like it worked
Bei Verstopfung: Nehmen Sie 1 oder mehrere Kapsel(n) Intestinal Formula Nr. 1 zu einer Mahlzeit ein. Bei Durchfall und lebensmittelbedingten Problemen: Nehmen Sie fünfmal am Tag 10 Kapseln Intestinal Formula Nr. 2 ein. Bei Magenbeschwerden, Übelkeit, Verdauungsstörungen und Sodbrennen: Nehmen Sie 15 Tropfen Fresh Breath+ in 1 Unze Wasser. Bei Bedarf wiederholen.